Welcome to Testy's fan fiction, blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. I'll save you from reading all of the formalities that most other people force you to endure and just explain what the point of this site is.
people have visited this page since its creation at the dawn of time.
The point of this site is for me to write fan fiction.
Get it? Got it? Good.
Steal this stuff and die.
Oh, and I show all of this stuff to people beforehand, so that way they will back me up that I created it.
And now onto the fan fiction. Click on a link to drop down to that portion of the page.
The Watchers
The Mystics
The Watchers
What is it that is in us that makes some of us strive to be heroes . . . while others take a different path, towards crime . . . and terrorism? And for those of us who choose to use our gifts for good, what are the prices we pay? And are we actually able to become heroes, or is being a hero something entirely different?
And in a world where 17% of the people have super powers, does the government have a right to tell people it is their job to try to be heroes?
When the French Government is threatened by super powered terrorists, there is only one group is can turn to: the Avante-Garde, the before guard; those who are always the first to respond to any major french crisis.
In the game of good and evil, who has more power? God? The Devil? Or perhaps it is those who have been cast from heaven, and who are now on earth, exploiting those they consider to be inferior?
Follow the tales of an angel, cast from heaven, trying to prove himself worthy . . .
The Mystics
Human? Alien? Both? These are the questions one boy must ask himself as he attempts to escape certain death at the hands of an unseen, ageless enemy.
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